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About me

I grew up constantly curious about the world around me, always thinking about a myriad of possibilities, ideas, business opportunities, and concepts. I was and still am, an avid learner and consumer of information. I love history, philosophy, music, art, and epistemology and possess extensive knowledge and experience in all these realms. However, my main love and passion is the creative execution of science and engineering. I often use my extensive knowledge of history, ethics, and art to contextualize my scientific and engineering pursuits, often drawing creativity from those. But the main focus of my passions, projects, organizational involvement, and education is centered around STEM. 

For my career I am interested in the fields of regenerative medicine, synthetic biology, computational biology, and systems biology with a specific emphasis on their application to new, innovative technologies. I believe that biologically engineered products, systems, and computational devices may be capable of out-performing synthetic products, systems, and computational devices in the future, and I want to be a part of that race. However, I also believe that the integration of the organic and synthetic, such as is seen with Neuralink and BCI technologies, is the more beneficial route to pursue for the foreseeable future and few decades. By utilizing these technologies I believe it is entirely possible to cure many human ailments and diseases, including genetic disorders. I want to be a contributing member of this pursuit and build technology which elevates and benefits all people, of all socioeconomic backgrounds, of all countries, in all places. I believe that the effective application of the appropriate technology can do that. 

In the short term, I am looking for positions and opportunities that advance me along this interdisciplinary path. The skills and areas of expertise I have developed to date are available on my resume page.  If you have opportunities in the areas I mentioned above, or share my passion and dreams please reach out. Also, I am always happy to consider other opportunities and positions within the STEM space such as those related to biomedical engineering, space exploration, python development, data science, bioinformatics, mechanical engineering, biomaterials, and the like. (That list could be very long and I have a diverse set of interests and the ability and passion to learn.